Automatic Crane Folding

Automatic Crane Folding

Instant opening & closing with Automatic Crane Folding

With the optional ACF system FASSI cranes are even easier to use.

Thanks to this new feature, operators can unfold or store the crane by a single manual command, which automatically activates a sequence of movements for correct positioning at the beginning and at the end of operations.

This new system allows for the automatic opening and closing of cranes, in particular to activate the return to rest sequence. Automatic Crane Folding can only operate without any load on the hook, and cylinders retracted (both on the hydraulic extension and on the crane itself). In any case, before activating the automatic closing sequence, the system always pressurises the rams on the crane and on the hydraulic extension.

Enabling of the Automatic Crane Folding function is indicated by a specific icon on the radio control unit display and by an acoustic signal. The system is deactivated via the same press of a button that was used for the activation.

Watch the video below to see it in action!